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Summer Camps

Writing on Beach

Expository writing Camp


Instructor: Karen
Time: 9:30-12:00 AM
Date: June 21- July 2
Total sessions: 10


Every day will include literacy activities to inspire students to think about
reading and writing in ways beyond the standard curriculum, improve vocabulary
through word games, and work on grade-appropriate grammar skills.



Instructor: Karen
Time: 1:30 - 4:00 PM PDT
Date: July 12 - July 23
Total sessions: 10

Every day will include literacy activities to inspire students to think about reading and writing in ways beyond the standard curriculum, improve vocabulary through word games, and work on grade-appropriate grammar skills.

1. Using Reader’s Theater to improve our inferential
comprehension skills, learn more about author’s craft, and
strengthen our mechanics
2. Jam with Poetry in a Poetry Slam
Get crafty with figurative language
Read, write, and listen to poetry
Participate in a poetry slam
3. Exploring theme
Why makes determining theme so tricky?
How do readers figure out the theme and support it
effectively with evidence?
Activity: Looking at popular music through the lens of
theme and creating a multimedia project

Desk with Book
Pencil and Notebook

Foundations of Analytical Writing Camp


Teacher: Sara
Time: 9:30 -12:00 PM PDT
Date: July12 - July23
Total sessions: 10


Gone are the days of book reports and plot summary! High school writing requires more complex and sophisticated analytical thinking skills than was required for success in middle school. This two-week camp scaffolds the analytical skills necessary for students to meet the demands of a high school English curriculum.

While studying a collection of short fiction, students practice formulating different types of analytical questions and responding to these questions in debatable, defendable, and specific claims. These claims are the basis of all effective analysis.


Through daily writing assignments and revision based upon detailed teacher feedback, students will hone their skills in organization, selection of effective evidence, precision of analysis, and
grammar and editing.



Instructor: Lundy

Time: 5:15 - 6:30 PM PDT, M, W, F
Date: June 21 – July 23
Total sessions: 15 + 4 one-on-one sessions per student


This writing-intensive course focuses on the formal analytical essay required in high schools and colleges across the range of academic disciplines. Students will work on how to develop strong, viable theses and support them effectively with persuasive evidence and specific details. Moving beyond the traditional five-paragraph essay, students will read, discuss, and analyze William Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Gabriel Garcia Márquez’s Chronical of a Death Foretold. Harkness discussions, peer editing, student/teacher conferences and writing assignments will emphasize strategies for critical analysis and effective rhetorical techniques. Students will complete two longer analytical essays and multiple, shorter writings focusing on language, imagery, and

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Target group: 7-8 grader

Teacher: Sara


Poets reflect the world we live in and are relatable to students’ questions of identity and self-expression. Poetry gives students a window into a wide range of perspectives from different time periods and cultures. As Andrew Simmons writes in The Atlantic, “Poetry enables teachers to teach their students how to write, read, and understand any text. Poetry can give students a healthy outlet for surging emotions.” Writing poetry has been proven to positively impact mental health by enabling students to express their emotions and find their voices in a controlled way. In this summer camp, students will study classical and modern poetry and write their own poetry in every class. Classes will include both lively discussions and individualized writing conferences with the instructor.


Total sessions: 10

Class size: up to 8

Class schedule: 5:00pm- 6:00 pm Tuesday 



Target group: 7-8 grader

Instructor: Sara


This class is essentially important for high schoolers if they would like to write precisely and elegantly either in their academic or creative writing. This class also will facilitate students to perform well with SAT writing and language session.


Total sessions: 10

Class size: up to 8

Class schedule: 5:00pm- 6:00 pm Tuesday

Woman Tutoring Child


Instructor: Yoko Zhang
Time: 7:00-9:30 PM PDT, W & Sun
Date: June 9- July 23
Total sessions: 12

​Class size: 8-10 students


  • 20 sets of SAT exams

  • Covers vocabulary, grammar, and reading skills

  • Unique “3k” comprehension skills (key word - key sentence - key structure)

  • Unique “Catch-30” methodology facilitates understanding of grammar rules

  • Trains students to better identify the critical parts of questions to improve comprehension efficiency

  • Analyzes frequently missed questions

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